MDS Cellular adalah aplikasi untuk beli/bayar pulsa, PLN, token listrik, paket data, BPJS, PDAM, multifinance, asuransi, voucher game, voucher streaming, dan berbagai tagihan lainnya, baik untuk diri sendiri, keluarga, sahabat, teman, kapan pun & dimana pun. MDS Cellular juga memberikan Garansi Termurah secara online!
Butuh bantuan? Layanan pelanggan hadir 24 jam setiap harinya melalui fitur chat di dalam aplikasi kapan saja Anda mau.
Berbagai pilihan pembayaran
- Transfer bank (Bank Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI, dll)
- Virtual Akun
- jaringan Alfamart, Alfamidi, DAN-DAN, Lawson)
Transaksi yang Aman
Selain kemudahan dan kecepatan, MDS Cellular mengutamakan keamanan dana dan informasi yang terjadi di setiap transaksi.
Apa saja yang ada di MDS Cellular?
Pulsa / Paket Data: Termurah di Indonesia untuk semua provider ( Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Tri, SmartFren & Axis ). Produk pulsa Rp 5.000 dan Rp 10.000 hanya ada di MDS Cellular.
#beli pulsa murah, beli paket data murah
Token PLN & Tagihan PLN: Mudah untuk beli Token PLN murah dan bayar tagihan PLN pascabayar.
#beli token listrik, bayar tagihan listrik
BPJS: Mudah untuk bayar tagihan BPJS Kesehatan & BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
#cek tagihan bpjs, bayar bpjs
HP Pascabayar / Mobile Postpaid: Bisa langsung lunasi tagihan pascabayar Telkomsel Halo, XL Prioritas, dan lainnya.
Pay TV: Bayar tagihan TV berlangganan seperti First Media, Indovision, NexMedia, MyRepublic, dll.
Streaming: Tersedia pula pilihan voucher VIU, iFlix, Genflix dan Joox.
Game Vouchers: Penggemar game dapat menemukan beragam voucher game murah untuk PUBG, Mobile Legends, Steam, Garena, Lyto, Unipin, dll.
e-money: BARU! Kini Anda dapat top up GO-PAY dan OVO langsung dari MDS Cellular.
Google Play: Beli voucher Google Play langsung dari MDS Cellular.
Voucher Digital: BARU! Nikmati gaya baru membeli barang kebutuhan sehari-hari lewat voucher Alfamart, Indomaret dan Carrefour Transmart.
Multifinance: Pembayaran angsuran kredit juga tersedia di MDS Cellular.
Telkom: Pembayaran tagihan Telkom kini dapat dilakukan tepat waktu melalui pengingat pembayaran setiap bulannya.
PDAM: Pembayaran untuk PDAM di Indonesia seperti Palyja, Aerta, Tirtanadi, Surya Sembada, dan Dan untuk Seluruh Provinsi di Indonesia.
#bayar air, bayar pdam
Gas Negara: Masukan nomor pelanggan PGN Anda untuk kemudahan mengecek dan membayar tagihan dengan 2 klik saja.
Pajak: Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor dan Pajak Bumi Bangunan
#bayar pajak motor dan PBB online
Social Media:
Instagram: mdscellular
Twitter: mdscellular
MDS Cellular is an application for buying / paying pulses, PLN, electricity tokens, data packages, BPJS, PDAM, multi-finance, insurance, game vouchers, streaming vouchers, and various other bills, both for yourself, family, friends, friends, anytime & anywhere. MDS Cellular also provides the Cheapest Guarantee online!
Need help? Customer service is available 24 hours a day via the chat feature in the application whenever you want.
Various payment options
- Bank transfers (Bank Mandiri, BCA, BRI, BNI, etc.)
- Virtual Account
- Alfamart, Alfamidi, DAN-DAN, Lawson network)
Secure Transactions
Apart from ease and speed, MDS Cellular prioritizes the security of funds and information that occurs in every transaction.
What's in MDS Cellular?
Credit / Data Package : Cheapest in Indonesia for all providers (Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Tri, SmartFren & Axis). Pulse products of Rp. 5,000 and Rp. 10,000 are only available at MDS Cellular.
#buy cheap pulses, buy cheap data packages
PLN Tokens & PLN Bill : Easy to buy cheap PLN Tokens and pay postpaid PLN bills.
#buy electricity tokens, pay electricity bills
BPJS : Easy to pay BPJS Health & BPJS Employment bills.
#check bpjs bills, pay bpjs
Postpaid HP / Mobile Postpaid : You can immediately pay off your Telkomsel Halo, XL Priority, and others postpaid bills.
Pay TV : Pay Pay TV bills such as First Media, Indovision, NexMedia, MyRepublic, etc.
Streaming : There are also choices of VIU, iFlix, Genflix and Joox vouchers.
Game Vouchers : Game fans can find a variety of cheap game vouchers for PUBG, Mobile Legends, Steam, Garena, Lyto, Unipin, etc.
e-money : NEW! Now you can top up GO-PAY and OVO directly from MDS Cellular.
Google Play : Buy Google Play vouchers directly from MDS Cellular.
Digital Vouchers : NEW! Enjoy a new style of buying daily necessities through Alfamart, Indomaret and Carrefour Transmart vouchers.
Multifinance : Credit installment payments are also available on MDS Cellular.
Telkom : Telkom bill payments can now be made on time through payment reminders every month.
PDAM : Payments for PDAMs in Indonesia such as Palyja, Aerta, Tirtanadi, Surya Sembada, and Dan for all provinces in Indonesia.
#pay water, pay pdam
Gas Negara : Enter your PGN customer number to easily check and pay bills with just 2 clicks.
Taxes : Payment of Motor Vehicle Tax and Land and Building Tax
# pay motorbike tax and PBB online
Social Media:
Instagram: mdscellular
Twitter: mdscellular